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Won't He Do It!

Tai Mei Gordon

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20


It's been said, "when we're down to nothing, God's up to something." This about sums up 2020 for me. Find a comfy place to settle into for a few minutes. This is my first blog post ever; I have a lot to say.

In March, I was furloughed from a position, company, and industry I knew and loved for over 25 years and five months later, I made the most insane decision of my life. I accepted a voluntary transition package and resigned my position in the middle of a global pandemic. What in the world was I thinking?!

I spent August second guessing myself and hit a low point in September. I realized many of my colleagues were returning to work, but I was just out running mile after mile like Forrest Gump. Apparently, running was my career substitute and while it served me well, I was unfulfilled and empty inside.


Every so often, I have a "shower epiphany." Apparently, the shower is where I usually hear most clearly from God. IOTA Faith is a name and idea God gave me in a shower epiphany several years ago. Being His disobedient, hard-headed child, I put off doing anything with it. Every so often, He would bring it to my remembrance; I'd write down a few ideas; and put my notebook right back on my desk. I was always too busy, too tired, or too afraid because I invested so much time and energy into my career and making money to provide for my family, forgetting the principle of seeking first His kingdom and righteousness.

Low and behold, October came and so did inspiration and motivation. I finally heeded God's call to stop speaking about it and started being about it. In a dream, I saw my husband, Richard, and me driving a fleet of trucks emblazoned with the words "IOTA Faith", bringing food, clothing, basic medical services, showers, etc., to neighborhoods where there were many people in need of love and compassion. I shared the dream with Richard and he kept saying, "write it down so you don't forget." I had so many starts and stops with IOTA Faith, he likely thought I was going to put this on the shelf again.

This time was different. God kept speaking to me and I couldn't ignore Him any longer. Knowing we had to put our faith into action, we stepped out on faith and filed our articles of incorporation in late October. Subsequently, we officially launched our website on my 49th birthday in early November. Happy birthday to me!


I spent the early part of November working on social media posts and connecting with like-minded people, but engagement was slow and we gained little traction. I put on my old sales and business development hat, and tried to dream up some ideas of how we could reach people. I kept praying for God to enlarge our territory. Then, it happened! God showed up as He always does. Notifications of likes and follows on Facebook and LinkedIn had my phone buzzing and lighting up like a Christmas tree. God was reminding me to be still and know, and His timing is always perfect.

The ultimate affirmation we were on the right track came soon after on Instagram. Someone was inspired by our idea of carrying "bags of love" in their car to give to neighbors in need while out and about.


We were so inspired by @crazydaisy311, we dedicated a page on our website to "inspired ideas", thought starters to inspire others to act in faith. I wasn't sure what we would do for December, but I knew it had to be something big. After all, December marks the season of giving, love, joy, and peace. While watching the news, I learned food pantries and food banks across the country were seeing increases in requests for food assistance as great as 500%; however, their donations were decreasing. There it was in plain sight. Thank you, Jesus! On December 1, we shared December's Inspired Idea, hold a neighborhood food drive and donate the collection to a local food pantry. I posted information on all of the social media platforms and... CRICKETS! How could this be?

The first attempt yielded nothing, so I had to try again. I posted again on Facebook and boom! $135 in cash donations via CashApp rolled in almost immediately. Then, I created a topic in our community forum on TownSquare, hoping and praying our neighbors would answer the call. I took a page out of Richard's "Go Big or Go Home" book and told neighbors we not only needed food donations, but also, to let us know if they needed food assistance. Keep in mind, we hadn't collected even one food item yet. Thankfully, pledges for food donations started rolling in. I got one text message, then another, and another. Hallelujah! Then, a text message came requesting food assistance for three families: one family of six, another of four, and one of three. "God, what are we going to do? We haven't collected enough food to help these families," I said. All I could think to do was respond to the requestor with, "I am on it and praying for God to provide an abundance of donations, so these families will have plenty."


I cried out to God and told Him I needed Him to move. The Bible verse, Matthew 17:20 came to mind, "... for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Of course the next thing that came to mind was, "Lord, I believe; help me in my unbelief."

I opened TownSquare and I couldn't believe my eyes! I started dancing and shouting like

Ms. Clara did in the movie "War Room." God impressed our neighbor, Katrina Douglass, owner of KDS KLUBHOUSE, to help us. They received food donations from Capital Area Food Bank too great for their need, so they paid it forward. They blessed us with not 50 boxes of food as originally indicated, but 60!

While speaking with Katrina, I learned she and her staff (pictured below, from left to right, Kim, Katrina, and Ty) are serving the community by helping families to raise independent, thoughtful children in their well-maintained, safe, clean childcare centers located in Washington, DC.

Not only did Katrina donate food, she offered five bags of coats she collected during a coat drive and she even offered us the use of her facilities for future IOTA Faith events free of charge. Talk about being the hands and feet of Jesus and showing whose she is by her love!


God has shown Himself in a mighty way over the past nine months. I'm still a bit shocked and amazed at just how much He loves us.

While 2020 has been a bit of a dumpster fire by the world's standards, it has been an amazing year of learning and growth for us, particularly for me. We thank and praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, from whom all blessings flow. We pray, through our testimony, you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is.


1) God is faithful; He is able; and He won't fail.

2) But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

3) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and seek not your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

4) Nothing is impossible with God... and an IOTA of Faith!


If you or someone you know in the DMV needs food assistance, please contact us at

(301) 980-7464. No questions asked. Just food, prayers, and long distance hugs will be provided.


1 Comment

Dec 11, 2020


I am so touched by your story. You did a wonderful job of capturing how God has directed you. You have inspired me to think about how I can do more for my community.


IOTA Faith

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